Winter is coming! It may seem far away, but it will be the holidays before you know it. Last year, we covered best pre-winter workouts to make sure you entered winter feeling fitter than ever, but there are more things you can do to get fit for fall! If you’re looking ahead to a season of baggy sweaters, boozy nogs, and cookies on the couch, here are some tips for setting your healthy habits before the rum cake train throws you off the rails!

Find Festive Recipes
Pumpkin and spice and cinnamon and sugar—things that we love—can quickly turn into a whole lot of extra calories, especially with halloween candy nearby and cozy, warm drinks everywhere you turn. If you’re yearning for treats, look for something healthy. There are lots of options for swapping ingredients or getting creative with some of the same flavors and less of the junk.
Keep Nutrition on Point
You’ll want to support your workouts with great nutrition, but getting in the habit of eating healthier foods also makes it that much easier to stick to it when everyone around you is bringing in sweets or getting extra drinks. If you find some light fall meals and can keep your fridge stocked with fresh foods (especially if you can get beautiful produce in season from your farmer’s market), you’ll be on track for a very fit fall.
Bring a Friend
There’s no question that working out and eating well is more fun when you have a group of friends—or even one friend—who is on board with you. People love to be invited to look and feel great with company, and sometimes all it takes for people to make big lifestyle changes is a pal! Now is a great time to join up with some group fitness classes or sign up for a gym membership with a friend and support each other through the chillier months.
Time to Train
Now is also a great time to get in touch with a personal trainer. Holiday schedules get hectic and it can be tempting to push off your fitness until after the new year if you don’t start now. Don’t wait! Get in touch with a personal trainer who can get you jump started on making 2018 your fittest year yet, and it all starts now!
Come See Us!
With memberships starting at just $19.99 per month, we’ve got something for everyone. At Club Metro USA, we offer a supportive environment for you to achieve your personal fitness goals, whatever they might be. We all have our own challenges and histories, and we encourage everyone to start where they are and improve from there. If you’re not sure where to begin, we also have excellent personal trainers who can give you the support and guidance you need. Get in touch today!